BC Lions Fan Flag (GIF)

The BC Lions are a professional Canadian football team based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, that compete in the West Division of the Canadian Football League (CFL). This unofficial BC Lions fan flag consists of the team's official logo and an orange background derived from the logo.

The BC Lions logo is a symbol of strength, pride, and regional identity. At the center of the logo is a right-facing lion's head, which represents the team's fierce and competitive spirit, reflecting their role in Canadian football. The monogram "BC" prominently displayed beneath the lion's head stands for British Columbia, the province in Canada where the team is based. This not only indicates the team's geographical affiliation but also underscores their connection to the local community and their representation of the province in the Canadian Football League (CFL). The logo encapsulates the BC Lions' commitment to excellence, both on the field and as ambassadors of British Columbia in the world of sports.

Other flag variations

Team Name:BC Lions
Team Nicknames:Leos, Lions
Team Abbreviation:BCL
Location:Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
League & Division:CFL West
Team Colors:Orange, Black, and White
Grey Cup wins:6
Home Field:BC Place
Mascot:Leo the Lion

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